Saturday, May 4, 2013
this boy
I dont know what to do with drama boy. He is refusing to go to school. he is sick . I started writing this post when Des aka dramaboy was a junior in high school. He missed 40 days of school and the school listed him as PINS and we had to go to meet with a probation officer every 2 weeks. He made it through grade 11 and started his senior year with high expectations but his Crohn's had other ideas. Its hard not to sympathize with him when I know with my IBS how bad pain can be. He missed 60 days of school his senior year thats 3 months of school . The school did not give us a hard time as he was hospitalized twice.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
well i have finally figured out some things... about guyguy.. when I stop looking at all the things he doesn't do and what he isn't and really look at who he is... he is a great person. I have found myself defending him recently and saying he is one of the most decent people i know.. its true... he doesn't smoke or drink , no messing around, doesn't hit or even yell too much. he does not talk behind your back. he is a straight up good guy. yes he doesn't write me long letters declaring undying devotion and my heart does not feel like it is going to break when we argue. The person who did write those things and whom told me so many sweet things also made me cry on a daily basis.Thought nothing of me of hurting me in mind,body and soul.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
lookatme and her soup

everyone in the family knows that it is dangerous to make lookatme laugh while she is drinking everyone that is but Babygirl just home from China. the first week back me,lookatme,comickid,peaceboy,toosmart,bean and lil K, took babygirl to Denny's too experience a family dinner out. Dinner was going fine when for some reason lookatme started laughing while eating her chicken noodle soup. while up until this time drinks were the only things known to come back out of lookatme. But Not anymore ... soup came splurting back out across the table... hit me in the face and arm, but peaceboy got the worse .. direct hit on his glasses sweatshirt.. i was saved partially by the dessert menu. we started laughing with tears running down our face, poor babygirl probably thought we were insane, the waitstaff sure did. shari had to call kelli and just kept laughing and couldnt is always an adventure with this crew... welcome aboard Babygirl.... this mama
Kelli and the dentist

I dont know what it is about my grandsons but every time i see them they have no pants on... luckily they usually have undies..
I have to write the story of kelli andthe dentist. kel is good girl and her main vice in life is that she hates HATES drs. does not matter which type eye mouth or any other she um .. spazes at them. she has in her life been kicked out of not 1 but 2 dentists offices, she nearly kicked out my windshield going to the psych dr, she threw up at the eyes drs, passed out at the dentist while getting xrays, would get no closer than the lobby at the births of her nephews. so now that goodgirl is a grown up she has faced her fears and finally gone to the dentist, being a bit of a nervous wreck the dentist gave her some meds to take and i was to drive her. GG called as I was out the door, short 5 min drive to her house and nothing.. beep beep... no GG, bang bang on the door .. still no GG. I was about to break down the door when she called out. So I go wait in the car... 5... 10.. mins later she appears. it looked as if she was floating down the steps. She was smashed, those pills were working their magic. I have never seen GG drunk but this is what it would be like. She said ' i was brushing my teeth,i think i only brushed one side, I forgot to put the cap on the toothpaste' , She was soo funny i had to call shari(lookatme) and have her talk to GG. After the dentist we went and picked up babygirl(zoe) and went to eat. now gg other vice would be that she destroys her meals before eating, dissects, takes apart ,reconstructs and then eats about half. Well today it took her twice as long to chop up her food smaller than a babys. She was hiccupping alot like a drunken monkey. It was so cute. then babygirl got in on the act and was goofing around and knocked her dish of icecream on her lap , I scooped it up but it flipped out of my hands and landed first on her lap and then on the floor, we tried to clean it up but were laughing so hard it didnt work out too good... life for the most part has been very good...if you dont mind being broker than i ever have been... but things will turn around soon.....
I have to write the story of kelli andthe dentist. kel is good girl and her main vice in life is that she hates HATES drs. does not matter which type eye mouth or any other she um .. spazes at them. she has in her life been kicked out of not 1 but 2 dentists offices, she nearly kicked out my windshield going to the psych dr, she threw up at the eyes drs, passed out at the dentist while getting xrays, would get no closer than the lobby at the births of her nephews. so now that goodgirl is a grown up she has faced her fears and finally gone to the dentist, being a bit of a nervous wreck the dentist gave her some meds to take and i was to drive her. GG called as I was out the door, short 5 min drive to her house and nothing.. beep beep... no GG, bang bang on the door .. still no GG. I was about to break down the door when she called out. So I go wait in the car... 5... 10.. mins later she appears. it looked as if she was floating down the steps. She was smashed, those pills were working their magic. I have never seen GG drunk but this is what it would be like. She said ' i was brushing my teeth,i think i only brushed one side, I forgot to put the cap on the toothpaste' , She was soo funny i had to call shari(lookatme) and have her talk to GG. After the dentist we went and picked up babygirl(zoe) and went to eat. now gg other vice would be that she destroys her meals before eating, dissects, takes apart ,reconstructs and then eats about half. Well today it took her twice as long to chop up her food smaller than a babys. She was hiccupping alot like a drunken monkey. It was so cute. then babygirl got in on the act and was goofing around and knocked her dish of icecream on her lap , I scooped it up but it flipped out of my hands and landed first on her lap and then on the floor, we tried to clean it up but were laughing so hard it didnt work out too good... life for the most part has been very good...if you dont mind being broker than i ever have been... but things will turn around soon.....
Friday, March 28, 2008
toosmart and his undies

Kids say the craziest but yet truthful things... I was at Lookatme's house and toosmart ran out side .. its cold here as it is not July or August the only warm months in western NY.. Lookatme said 'Toosmart you cant go out side in your underwear" so five seconds later he was out the door in nuthin but his birthday suit.... and he even said to us "well you said i couldnt go out side with them on and i listened!" .
Friday, November 9, 2007
the grand kids

Yesterday I sat with the grandsons while their parents did some stuff.. I had the joy of having Kbaby smile and hold up his hands for grandma, and Beanboy was happy to see me when he woke up from his nap. Last to join us was toosmart, looking a little under the weather. We had a lot of fun and I kept thinking about all those first time parents(some even older than me) who are getting their kids this week in China. Being handed a 1 or 2 year old is a lot different than having a newborn. After running to save Kbaby from the stairs, eating the kitty litter,having his pizza stolen by the dog... I was praying that the new parents had adjusted to China time and were not still jet lagged. Those kids make you run. I was young when I had the first 2,then I had the first 2 as pretween when i had the 2nd two and now I have grandsons who will help plan evil plots to rob what remains of my sanity. I was called into the bedroom by toosmart my eyes focused just in time to see him jump from the top of the computer desk to the bed (4 feetish) and do a somersault mid air worthy of a 10 or is it a 6.0 now... Perfect execution ... but my mind was thinking I can not leave this boy alone with babygirl... EVER!! LOL... It was wonderful spending some time with them Peacebot came with me and was a great sport even when the kept calling his uncle dramaboy.... Peace and happiness this mama
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